Due to circumstances beyond our control at this time, the 4-H Alberta Standardbred Program is currently suspended . We hope to return with a new program in the near future.
The 4-H Alberta Standardbred Programcoordinated by ASHA in a joint effort between Alberta Standardbred breeders and 4-H Alberta administer by the 4-H Section of Agriculture and Forestry. Successful applicants to the 4-H Alberta Standardbred Program will be matched with a Standardbred breeder in the Spring of 2019. The breeder and the member will arrange for a yearling to be delivered to the farm or acreage where the yearling will remain until the ASHA Yearling Sale is held in the fall.(in 2019 - September 8th).
During the project period (5-6 months) the member will learn how to responsibly care for, feed, manage health requirements and the economics of raising a horse. Expenses, growth, and special conditions of the yearling, will be regularly reported, with open line of communication between the breeder and the member being encouraged throughout the project's duration.
With this project, the members will gain valuable knowledge and expertise relating to raising a Standardbred yearling. The member will receive support, leadership, information and advice throughout the project. The Standardbred Project culminates at the 4-H member's Achievement Activity and then at the sale of the yearling at the ASHA Yearling Sale. Previous participants in this project have gone onto careers in support sectors such as veterinary medicine, retail sales, and day to day care of Standardbred horses. Many have become enthusiastic race fans and have kept a close eye on how the yearling they helped to raise progressed!
Who Can Apply?
Open to 4-H members who are 12 years of age or older and have completed Rider Level 3 Dismounted who have the permission of their parent(s) and a recommendation from their 4-H leader. Participants must be a member in good-standing of a 4-H club. Applications must demonstrate adequate stabling, feeding and grazing facilities. Applicants will be expected to have horse experience, knowledge and adult assistance.