Roles and Responsibilities of a Director
of the Alberta Standardbred Horse Association
- Directors act as leaders and stewards of the Association
- Directors are elected by the membership to the Board
- The term of office of Directors elected to the Board shall be (2) calendar years commencing immediately after the election and expiring on the date of the next election.
- Maintain current membership in good standing
- Attend a minimum of 50% in person meetings
- Serve on at least one committee
- Commit to the effective operation of the Association
- Be informed of the services provided by ASHA
- Access to electronic means of communication with the Association
- Be aware and declare any conflict of interest that may affect the Association
- Be informed of the state of the industry
- Work in good faith with other
- Directors and Management in pursuit of the Association’s goals
- Respect the principles of confidentiality, sensitive financial information and personnel matters
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board
- Take responsibility for making decisions on issues, policies and other matters
- Approve amendments to the By-Laws and recommend ratification by the general membership
- Approve regulations that supplement the Association’s By-Laws Approve the annual operating budget
- Promote ASHA membership through attendance at industry functions, networking, etc
- Seek potential candidates for nomination in the election of Director process